
We are all familiar with the world of movies. Whether you like watching your favorite YouTuber, binge watch a tv show or you love silent movies from the 1030's. I guess you could say that movies are a way to escape your everyday life or to get a break from it. You are able to lockout the world for a moment and really get into another persons mind and reality.  Photos are also something I love and I guess that's is a reason why I love movies so much. Whether you are a youtube or a director, you have the ability to capture small or significant moments in your life to share with the world. Some films are made to provoke the person watching, while other films are simply made to bring you joy and peace. The definition of videography is as follows: "the art or process of making films with a video camera." How do you define film making? Do you count films as art?

I will be doing a post in the future with some of my favorite short films, but for now, I would really like to share a few of my beloved filmmakers on youtube. 



BB Dakota


Conan Gray

Emily Diana Ruth

Will Darbshire

Adrian Bliss

-Nora Marie

ArtNora Marie VatlandComment