May intentions

There is a lot that is going to happen in the few upcoming months. During May I will be having a lot of school projects and some traveling. June will start off at school, a week in Scotland, then I will be staying in Thailand for one month helping at an orphanage with around six friends. (more information about that will come). So juggling all of this, while still prioritizing my health and this wonderful community, I thought that it was essential to write a list of some intentions I have for the upcoming month. 

Meditate daily for at least 5 minutes

Whether it's the first or the last thing during the day, give yourselves a few minutes each day to fully settle and connect with yourself. During 2016 and 2017 meditation was something I did very regularly, but so far in 2018 this has not been a constant habit of mine. 

Go for a 30 min walk without any electronic devices at least twice a week

All my life I have been so privileged to live close to both the sea and forest. Since the weather has been warming up, and school has been at its most hectic, this intention is probably one of the most important. Hopefully, it can help me focus and keep my motivation up until summer. 

Get rid of two possessions or more every week

As I have been on my journey with minimalism for the about one year now, finding possessions to get rid of has been a bit hard. I feel like I only have what I need, but I know for a fact that I am lying to myself. Each week I'll be spending roughly 30 minutes a week going through my room. Deciding what to get rid of, and help me realize what I own and keep me on track with not accumulation more stuff. 

Work on my photography portfolio (any tips?)

In the middle of May, I will be traveling to London to visit a few universities. With that, I need to get have some ideas of what I would like my portfolio to look like. If you are a photographer be sure to give me any tips you have by sending me a DM on my personal ig (@noravmarie).

Write four things I am grateful every day

Lately, when life has been overwhelming I have found myself suppressing all my stress and neglect that they exist. As a result, more stress has accumulated and made the whole situation worse. Therefore I am pushing myself to pick up a pen and write like I used to. 

No social media the first and last hour of the day

It is scientifically proven to be harmful to your body to use any electric devices right when waking up. Therefore I will be challenging myself to only turn off my alarm in the morning, then forget about it.

Do you have any May intentions? If you do, be sure to leave a comment or DM us on our ig!
