10 day money and spending challenge
With the new year coming up soon, and Christmas being one of the more expensive and money draining seasons of the year, we thought we’d come up with a challenge that can help you spend less and save more. We are in no way bank workers, but we do think that we have a few ideas to help you save more money for you and your future plans. We simply want to show you that you don’t have to go all out and do the “No spending year” or the “living on 1 dollar a day challenge” to save money. Small steps and a conscious mind before swiping your card might just do the trick.
A big step towards saving money is understanding how you spend the money, in contrast to how you want to spend them. Therefore, we want you to stat off by getting an overview of your weekly and monthly spendings. Do this in order to find out what you splurge on, whether or not it’s necessary and if there is a certain area where you could tighten your budget. Maybe you’ll discover that making coffee at home can actually save you some bucks, or perhaps you get tempted by new garments a little too often? This is the time to face the truth. For many people, it can be hard to take a look at their actual spendings, because money is often a sensitive topic. It can be uncomfortable if you don’t want to admit to yourself that you spend money recklessly or insensibly, but it’s important to look reality in the eyes if you want to save money.
Today we want you to use 30 min just to figure out how much you are actually willing to spend on groceries per week and if there are any swaps you can do to save money? - For instance, maybe you could choose oatmeal for breakfast instead of cornflakes, beans instead of meats etc. Be aware that you can buy ingredients such as vegetables and rise and make meals for the whole week. It is possible to plan the meals for the week according to some basic veggies. For example, if you choose red peppers, carrots and onion as your main ingredients for the week, you can make lasagna, vegetable soup, wok etc, so that none of the vegetables goes to waste - and you avoid consequently wasting your money. Remember that it is also possible to use the freezer if you’re afraid that you’ll not be able to use something before its expiration date.
How much money would you like to have saved within the next 6 months? Today is the day to make a saving plan! Be realistic. That way, you’ll be more likely to reach your goal and if there is to be a surprise, it should only be more money in the account that your initial goal.
If possible, create a “micro saving” plan in your bank. Micro saving gives you the opportunity to automatically save a specific amount of money (of your choice) every time you are swiping your card. By doing this, you’re saving money, even as you’re spending it.
Look around you. Are all the items in your home used regularly and truly loved? - The next few days, we want you to be conscious about what you are bringing into your home. Don’t buy something just because it is on sale, or because you know you’ll get use for it eventually. Remember, there will always be a new sale, and you will have the option to buy it later if you do indeed find a use for it.
Use only physical cash this week. (This should go on for at least a week, to truly discover the impact, but also possible to try for a day). You’ll be amazed to see how much money you’re actually spending. Once you see your money physical money you are more likely to think twice before purchasing a product. This way, there is a physical object for you to hand over, meaning that it won’t feel like you’re not actually spending - like it often feels like when you “magically” use your credit card.
Make a plan for what you actually need to purchase - and start hunting for pre-loved and vintage. Not only is this a great way to save money, it also allows you to get one of a kind pieces. Besides, if its’s vintage, it usually lasts longer anyways, because things were meant to last back then, not like the current production system.
Make some money by selling stuff you no longer need or care for! Create a Depop, Tise or Etsy shop to sell your used items and get a few bucks for them!
Have an event. You can host a clothing swap with some friends to save money on clothes. Also, you can invite your friends over for a zero waste dinner, where everyone brings products and produce that soon will be reaching its expiration date. Cook the dinner together and use what each one have brought. You’ll all get a tasty dinner and you make sure to not waste your money.
To finish the challenge we want you to get reflecting and get a new overview of your spendings. How did it go? Has something changed? Finally, with the past days in mind, we want you to try to make a budget for the following month. If you don’t manage to stick to it, that’s okay - give the challenge another go and try again x It’s important to give finances some thought and some time - and eventually you might become an expert at saving!
Previous challenges
You can decide when you want to write them, as long as you don't let any details get lost.
In the next ten days you will be writing about everything from future plans and poems about your parents to who you truly are at your core.