"It’s about fucking time to do something about one of the most severe issues facing us today"

To those who claim that we only want to skip school,

here are Teens telling you the real reason why they are joining the climate strike.

🌻 Oda Sofie. 19. 

The U.N. reports that the world has 11 years to reduce our emissions by at least 45%. Still, the politicians in Norway does not take the crisis seriously. On Friday the 22nd of March, 40 000 kids all around Norway went on a school-strike for this exact reason. I was one of them, because these politicians are risking my future. Furthermore they are risking the safety of millions of people all around the world.

🌳Marthe. 19.

To put it simply, I joined the climate strike because people need to open their eyes. People are pretending that it isn’t a real threat, but a it’s about fucking time to do something about one of the most severe issues facing us today.

🌊Daniel. 17.

There are various reason why I protested for the climate, for instance plastic and petrolium. However, I would like to say that the main reason why I protested was to speak my mind, and be a part of the largest protest in Norway so far. These protests are not just taking place in Norway. All around the globe there are 1.6 million people striking in the name of the climate, in every one of the seven continents, in more than 125 countries and more than 2000 places. According to the photos, the people are dominantly a part of the younger generations. Youth which fears for their own and future generations future. It is time to take responsibility. We are up against a global crisis which is becoming more severe as each day passes by.

In 2016 there were 8,6 million people who had to flee due to war and calamity, and 19, 2 people who had to flee as a consequence of natural disasters. The issue of climate refugees is a problem that receives too little attention. These refugees don’t have the same rights as other refugees and are not recognized by the UN as refugees, as they don’t count climate as a valid reason for fleeing. We alone don’t have the power to create great change, but together we can prove how loud we can scream. That’s why I participated in the climate strike, to add to the roar of voices issuing those in power to take responsibility.

🌷Synne. 18.

My main reason for joining the climate strike is that it is one of the few ways that the youth can speak up and show that we are serious regarding the issue. We feel so powerless when witnessing just how little is done to create change and the older generations that doesn’t take it seriously. Time after time we have attempted to speak up, but our opinions are ignored and not prioritized. Therefore, a strike is our only option. It’s the future we’re talking about - and we can’t afford to waste it!

🌱Oda Eline. 17.

I protested to showcase that we need a significant change. A change which will enable our generation, and future generation to live in harmony with our environment. To do that, we have to stop effecting the climate and our environment in a negative way. together. The politicians need to realise that it is vital that we act not, we cannot wait any longer.

🌎Ingeborg. 18.

We should participate in the protests to shed light on and tackle a global issue that will affect generations after us. Instant solutions will not solve the entire issue and therefore we must promote sustainability.

(From left to right: Photo one by Synne and two, three and four by Oda Sofie.

Photo series two: By Martine.)