Creatives uniting: Pink Sheets & Mariange in Spring

Mariange in Spring

In the poem Lines Written in Early Spring, by William Wordsworth, the author discusses the spring season in a meaningful, yet unusual way. For example, Wordsworth writes that “I heard a thousand blended notes / while in a grove I state reclined / in that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts / bring sad thoughts to the mind.” “A thousand blended notes” refers to the sounds of spring that Wordsworth hears in the grove, such as birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind. “Reclined,” Wordsworth is relaxed as he reflects on the present moment in time. Despite discussing spring, a season generally associated with spiritual and earthly renewal, emotional warmth, and jubilance, Wordsworth mentions that “sad thoughts” come to mind. This indicates that spring is being discussed in a meaningful, yet unusual way because of how Wordsworth chooses to communicate antonyms of spring and happiness. Wordsworth expresses that, despite the tranquility of a spring environment, he is still capable of feeling sad thoughts. He writes that “pleasant thoughts bring sad thoughts to the mind” in reference to the habit of overthinking a situation and putting in such an immense effort to be focused on the positive thoughts, that negative thoughts cannot be suppressed. Shot during the springtime of 2018, “Mariange in Spring” is a reflection of my own sad thoughts in this particular season. As someone who has struggled with depression for a significant time period, it is an understatement when I say that suppressing sad thoughts can be a difficult task. In most of these photos, Mariange does not look at the camera, which resembles detachment from the world in front of her and distraction caused by the world around her. This relates to my own experience with emotional detachment, as well as a refrain from facing what has been put in front of me. Reflective of my own life, “Mariange in Spring” communicates that, despite the detachment and despite what is distracting her, she lives beautifully in the spring.


Pink Sheets


In my experience, it is not uncommon for teenage girls to constantly be at the epicenter of  judgement, pressure, feminine standardization, and emotional conversation. This characteristic of our lives dictates patterns in how we think, act, and feel, ultimately manifesting itself into seemingly every aspect of our lives. One place where we can escape this manifestation of unwanted emotion is unexpectedly found within the physical comfort and solitude of our beds.

A teenage girl’s bed provides so much for her. It is the place where she sleeps, rests, recuperates, cries, and loves, whether she is by herself or with someone significant to her. This series was inspired by my own experience, as well as that of other teenage girls, with finding emotional and physical comfort in our beds.

Aside from the fact that the images in this series has a pink hue/tone, I chose the title “Pink Sheets” to portray the stereotypical representation of women and girls through the color pink, in order to make a connection between our emotional (and even physical) battle with societal stereotypes and standards.


By Danielle Berger