Everything you ever wanted to know about sustainable periods but were afraid to ask
When starting your journey towards being more friendly towards workers, the environment, and your own body- switching up your period supplies can be one of the most effective, yet simple methods to get you started on your ‘eco-journey’! However, when I started looking into more environmentally friendly options in 2015 I was faced with various questions, doubts, and misunderstandings. Now that I have had around three years experience, it is safe to say I have found some products that work wonders for my time of the month.
There are of course various methods that I have not yet gotten around to try, however, I did not want this to stop me from making this article for you. Therefore, if you out there are currently using or have used other eco-friendly products and you feel comfortable talking about your experience then I would love to work with you!
Before we get started, I quickly wanted to share four of the main reasons to switch to more eco-friendly mensural supplies.
- You will for sure save hundres of dollars within a few years.
- Your body will thank you for not letting harsh chemicals like bleach end up in your bloodstream.
- Saves you time shopping for period products...--- in other words, extra time to do what you want to do!
- You will automatically use less plastic!
I would also like to note that my flow is normally light, but a bit heavier on the first two days. You might want to keep this information in mind when deciding which method will work best for you. Another thing to mention is that I will only be speaking from my own personal experience, which means that you might end up not like a product I love and vice versa. Also, note that I am in no way a professional within this field, so take everything you read into consideration before making a final decision. If you have any medial conditions, I advice you to have a chat with your doctor before jumping into the unknown.
Menstrual cups
Menstrual cups is a period product that collects the menstural fluids instead or absorbing it. The cup itself is made out of 100% silicon, which means that there are no chemical used!
What brand should I use?
I personally use the brand Diva Cup, and I am very pleased and have no complaints so far with the brand. Some other brands are MeLuna, Lunette, Ruby Cups and Evacup.
Are there different sizes? How do I know which one to choose?
With the Diva cup, there are two different sizes. Size one is for everyone who has not given birth, and number two is.... you guessed it, for all the mothers out there!
How do you insert it and take it out?
Once you have gotten your cup, you will probably be overwhelmed and confused with all the different ways to fold and insert the cup. After trying just about ever method, I have for the past few years stuck with the method named ‘Punched-down’. Here are a few clips to show you the most common ways to fold. It is vital to be fully relaxed when inserting, this makes the process go a whole lot smoother.
Once inserted, take a hold of the bottom part of the cup and turn it one whole round. This helps the cup fully pop-up and secure itself.
When removing the cup, you want to push a bit with you muscles and take a hold of the small string that is on the bottom. Slowly drag the cup out and dump the blood into the toilet. (note: the first few times you remove the cup, it might be a bit uncomfortable, this will most likely go away after a few go's.) If you have access to a sink you want to rinse it with warm water and sope (if on hand), dry and re-insert. No access to a sink? - no worries! You can either use toilet paper and remove the blood and rinse once you get home, or bring a water bottle with you.
Is there any smell?
If the cup is inserted correctly, there should be absolutely no smell.
Time to change?
They say on the box that it is possible to have them in for about six to 12 hours, all depending on if you have a heavy or lighter flow. There is not a specific length that I usually keep the cup in, however, I would say that I aim to change the cup every 11 hours. One of the great things about the cup is that there is not any nasty chemicals like in a tampon. This prevents the possibility for your vagina to take in these chemicals and let them enter your bloodstream and or dry up your vaginal walls.
Cleaning process
Finally over with the week? To remove any bacteria, you want to boil it in water for ten minutes. Please be careful while doing this, and keep checking on the cup to be sure everything is as it should. Once you have done that, store it in its pouch and it is ready to use for next month.
Can you be active while having it in?
Of course! You can swim, run, do yoga, dance and just about everything you normally do. There is no reason to let your period stop you from living your best life.
Can it get stuck up there?
No, no change at all. The cup itself is way too big to get lost in your vagina. So take a deep breath and relax.
Pros // cons
Pro: With good care and love it can last for 12 years
Con: Might be a bit weird to boil your period cup if you live with other people. However just say "fuck it" and do it!
Period-proof underwear
Period- proof underwear is a great alternative for those who previously preferred pads over tampons. This method combines, as mentioned in the name, your regular underwear and a pad.
What brand should I use?
My choice of brand has so far been Thinx. I love how they are both educating woman about their periods and creating beautiful underwear that makes women excited about their menstrual cycle. However, I have also heard a lot of great reviews on the Lunapanties.
How long can you wear one pair of underear?
This all depends on what kind of underwear you use. Thongs for instance usually only absorb half of the amount a light tampon would. While a regular pair of underwear could hold up one to two tampons.
Time to change?
This is a very personal area about the panties. If I only use my cheeky from Thinx, I will for sure change them after around 3-5 hours, depending on what feels right that day. When I'm using my ‘hiphugger’ from the same brand, I will keep them on for around 5-7 hours.
Cleaning process
To clean your underwear you want to only use cold water. If not, you might end up ruining the fabric layers inside. Rinse them first in cold water to remove majority of the fluids present. Either wash by hand with natural soap (I usually use my natural soap bar or a clothing wash from the Norwegian brand Klar or wash in your washing machine with your other clothes. Hang dry.
Is there any smell?
No, not if you change them when you should, depending on your flow.
Can you be active while having it in?
Yes you can! Keep in mind, I would personally not use a thong for instance as it does not absorb or cover your whole butt. You might want to opt for a leotard or sport panties from Thinx. One important thing is that you cannot swim or do any water based activity when you are just using the underwear.
Pros // cons
Pro: You will most likely not feel wet or moist while wearing them. They look so beautiful on!
Con: No possibility of doing water-sports. They take a while to air-dry. You cannot wear a an additional pad if you want extra absorbency. Also, depending on your flow, you can not always use this period product alone.
Combine methods?
As with generic menstrual supplies, you are also able to combine two methods to ensure that there won't be any leaks.
Menstrual cup + Period-proof underwear
Sponge + Cloth pads
Sponge + Period-proof underwear
Menstrual cup + Cloth pads
As mentioned earlier in this article, if you have any experience or thoughts regarding eco-friendly periods do not be afraid to speak your mind and email us at contact.nuet@gmail.com
There will hopefully be up a part 2 everything you wanted to know about sustainable periods but were afraid to ask.
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An article written by Sarah Schnepf